Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Vipassana, a life changing experience.

I've been wanting to blog about my Vipassana experience in Washington.  I still cannot find the words.  This has been a life changing experience for me.  Expressing something  so monumentally significant in my life is challenging.  It might be impossible.

1. My experience of spending 10 days in the presence of evolving, thoughtful, beautiful humans was, in itself, completely worth the 1200 miles of driving and the investment of time.

2.  Vipassana meditation has given times of deep peace and clarity that I never experienced before in my life...ever.

3.  I have the means at my disposal to return to sanity and balance  any time the world overwhelms me. (If often does!)  I can find rest in this whenever I need.

4.  I understand that I am in the infancy of practice,

5.  I believe with every ounce of my soul that meditation has the potential the heal ALL  the ugliness in the world.

6.  To pray is to ask. .  To meditate is to listen.

7,  My experience of  life is deeper, richer and more joyful since beginning a meditation practice many years ago.  I can say with absolute honesty that it is so much more so after my 10 days in Washington.

My blog  is short and incomplete, for now.  I'm taking baby steps on a new path.  More to follow.

My son's 2nd grade teacher hurt his feelings. He is a grown man now and she is 6 feet under. I have not forgiven her. My meditation "guru" said that practice can be like lancing a wound. This one came up for me. How do I forgive someone who has hurt my child? Do I even want to? Meditation isn't always pretty. I left this fact out of my blog. I shouldn't have.

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