My prayer is that I be a better example to my Grandkids. Thanksgiving weekend will be about this:
NOT this:
I vow not to sell my family short for the sake of saving a few bucks on a flat screen tv.....or whatever else I have deluded myself into believing will bring me any real happiness. I vow to help the little ones in my life understand what is of lasting importance. In the process I am bound to remind myself.
This year begins a new John's Family tradition. On "Black Friday" me and my Grand-daughter will drive right on past the madness and go to the food share to donate. I will do my best to explain to her why this is the better choice. As the years pass I hope the practice will make an impact on Cecelia, Mason and the grandkids to follow. I will be one proud grandma if it does.
My prayer for my Grandkids is that they become more. More than I have been in my lifetime. More than the zillions of crappy examples of 'how not to be' that they will be surrounded by during their young impressionable years.
I hope some will join me . Put away the credit card and remember what is real about this coming Thanksgiving weekend. Don't wait until you are dying to figure it out. Please.